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Traditional Chinese medicine forum held at SXU

Updated: 2018-11-26

The 2018 Forum on Modern Research of Classical Chinese Medicinal Prescriptions was held at Shanxi University (SXU) between Nov 9 and 11.

The forum was sponsored by the Chinese Pharmacological Society, the Committee of Pharmacology on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the Natural Medicine and Shanxi Pharmacological Society.

Aimed at promoting classic Chinese medicinal prescriptions and enhancing medical research and development, the forum attracted nearly 50 experts and scholars in the TCM field from across China to lecture on TCM development.

The forum, which consisted of five conferences attracted more than 400 representatives from scientific institutes, universities and hospitals.

More than 70 meeting abstracts and 30 academic posters were collected and exhibited during the event.

Qin Xuemei, director of Shanxi Pharmacological Society, receives a letter of appointment from Zhou Ran, chairman of Shanxi Association for Science and Technology, at the forum, Nov 10. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]


A group photo of attendees to the 2018 Forum on Modern Research of Classical Chinese Medicinal Prescriptions, Nov 10 [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]