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New semester begins at Shanxi University

Updated: 2018-09-20

A celebration ceremony was held to welcome freshmen at Wucheng and Dadongguan campuses of Shanxi University on Sept 14.

Shi Shuai, secretary of Shanxi University Party Committee, and Jia Suotang, chancellor of Shanxi University, attended the ceremony.

Jia conveyed a warm welcome to nearly 9,000 freshmen including undergraduates, postgraduates and overseas students for the new semester in the university.

Jiang Yi, a member of Yangtze River Scholar Program issued by China’s Ministry of Education and a professor of School of Philosophy and Sociology, delivered a speech at the ceremony. He urged college students to train themselves to be individuals with independent thinking, healthy mentality and broad vision.

Zhao Ziyun from College of Liberal Arts and Liu Ziyang from Electronic Information Engineering Department gave talks representing freshmen.

Officers also announced some scholarships to award outstanding students.

A celebration ceremony is held to commence the new semester at Shanxi University on Sept 14, 2018. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

Military training parades perform at Shanxi University on Sept 14, 2018. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]