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SXU collaborates with earth environment company


Updated: 2018-08-17

Shanxi University (SXU) and Shanxi Earth Environment Investment Holdings Company signed strategic cooperation agreement on Aug 8.

Cheng Fangqin, vice-chancellor of Shanxi University and Qu Zhongrang, secretary of the Party Committee of Shanxi Earth Environment Investment Holdings Company attended the signing ceremony.

Representatives and instructors from School of Environment and Resources of Shanxi University and the Institute of Resources and Environmental Engineering took part in the conference.

Officials from Shanxi University and Shanxi Earth Environment Investment Holdings Company attend the signing ceremony on strategic cooperation agreement on Aug 8. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

Cheng Fangqin, vice-chancellor of Shanxi University, gives a talk before the signing ceremony at Shanxi University on Aug 8. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]