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Xilin county and SXU work on volunteer teaching project

Updated: 2018-06-15

Officials from Xilin county of Guangxi province visited Shanxi University (SXU) on June 11, with the purpose of conducting in-depth exchanges on issues concerning the volunteer teaching.

Li Fuming, secretary of the school discipline committee, attended the meeting. Officers from the party committee, the school administration office, the publicity department, the organization department, the youth league committee, the human resources department, and the graduate employment guidance center took part in the conference.

Ran Guangfu, Party secretary of Xilin county, conveyed appreciation to the university on supporting local primary and middle school education in the county. He hoped the volunteer teaching project would be broadened through various channels to create a long-term cooperation.

In 2014, Shanxi University established a volunteer teaching center in Xilin county, and six graduates were dispatched to teach in local schools. Over the past three years, 18 graduates have been sent to the county.

Officials from Xilin county and Shanxi University attend the conference on June 11. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

Ran Guangfu, Party secretary of Xilin county, speaks at the conference held at Shanxi university in Taiyuan on June 11. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]