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SXU wins championship at provincial physics competition

Updated: 2018-06-01

A team from Shanxi University (SXU) stood out among 15 provincial universities and won the championship at the 3rd Shanxi Undergraduate Physics Tournament held at Shanxi Normal University on May 27.

The team was composed of instructors and students from the College of Physics and Electronic Engineering of SXU. During three rounds of qualifiers, the SXU squad ranked second place, before triumphing in the finals.

Participants in the 3rd Shanxi Undergraduate Physics Tournament held at Shanxi Normal University on May 27. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

Instructors and students celebrate at the awards ceremony for the 3rd Shanxi Undergraduate Physics Tournament held at Shanxi Normal University on May 27. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]