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Delivering in Our Economic Work and Steering China’s Economy Through the Waves and Toward a Bright Future

By Qiu Ping Source: Updated: 2024-06-06

The goal of addressing the question of how to view the economic situation is to determine how economic work should be carried out. With a sound analysis of the economy, we can make well-founded economic decisions and implement effective policies that will drive sustained and sound economic development. On the new journey, it is important that we tap into China's vast reserves of potential and convert our collective strengths into a decisive force for development, so as to secure further economic accomplishments. Fundamentally, this can only be achieved if we exhibit greater initiative, work with true dedication, and move forward with courage and resolve. We must focus our efforts on Chinese modernization, which is the paramount political objective, regard economic development as the central task, and view high-quality development as the top priority. We should maintain firm confidence, forge ahead, and carry out economic work with an enterprising spirit and an unfailing sense of responsibility.

The sound theoretical guidance of Marxism is what enables Chinese Communists to seize the initiative. Xi Jinping thought on the economy integrates the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific realities and with its traditional culture. It systematically addresses the theoretical and practical questions of how the economic situation should be viewed and how economic work should be carried out. It reflects the CPC's deep insights into the laws that govern economic development, especially socialist economic development. It thus serves as a powerful theoretical tool for steering China's economy toward high-quality development, adeptly responding to major risks and challenges, and building a modern socialist country.

The CPC's centralized, unified leadership over economic work is the fundamental guarantee for the sustained and sound development of China's socialist economy. Our ability to effectively manage the world's second-largest economy and maintain sustained and sound economic and social development is fundamentally determined by how well our Party exercises its core leadership role in this sphere. It is thus essential to uphold and reinforce our Party's overall leadership, continue working to improve the systems and mechanisms for Party leadership over economic work, and enhance the Party's capacity to lead economic endeavors. We must acquire a thorough understanding of the CPC Central Committee's conclusions concerning the economic situation, fully implement its decisions and plans regarding economic work, and take prompt, pragmatic, resolute, and effective steps to achieve implementation and accomplish the goals and tasks of economic and social development.

Editor: Li Xiaoqiong