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Accelerating the Development of New Quality Productive Forces

By Qiu Ping Source: Updated: 2024-05-30

New quality productive forces are advanced in nature. Therefore, with a focus on the central task of economic development and the priority of high-quality development, we need to strengthen our awareness and initiative with regard to promoting their development so as to enhance our practical abilities in this regard. In particular, we should focus our efforts on accelerating innovation in the following areas.

Science and technology

Because it drives the creation of new industries, new models of business, and new growth drivers, scientific and technological innovation is a core element in developing new quality productive forces. It is vital that we ramp up our efforts in innovation, especially original and disruptive innovation, so as to move faster toward achieving a high level of self-reliance and strength in science and technology, effectively deliver breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields, and create new drivers for developing new quality productive forces.


Industries are the channels through which productive forces function. Thus, scientific and technological advances can only be turned into social productive forces through industrial application. To improve the modern industrial system, we must apply scientific and technological innovations in specific industries and industrial chains without delay and work to transform and upgrade traditional industries, nurture and expand emerging industries, and make plans for cultivating industries of the future.

To ensure that the industrial system is self-supporting, controllable, secure, and reliable, we must optimize the layout of industrial chains with a focus on developing new quality productive forces and bolster the resilience and security of industrial and supply chains.

Development model

As the defining feature of high-quality development, green development is intrinsic to the new quality productive forces. In line with the principle that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, it is imperative to expedite the transition to a model of green development. With a firm commitment to prioritizing ecological conservation and green development, we should advocate eco-friendly and healthy lifestyles throughout our society.

Systems and mechanisms

The relations of production must be adapted to the requirements for developing productive forces. To develop new quality productive forces, we must deepen reform, with a view to fostering a new set of well-adapted production relations. We need to further reform the economic structure and scientific and technological systems to remove the bottlenecks impeding the development of new quality productive forces. We should also expand high-standard opening up and work to create a favorable international environment for developing these forces.

Working mechanisms for talent

As our primary resource, talent is, in essence, the locomotive of innovation. The development of new quality productive forces ultimately depends on innovative personnel.

Bearing in mind the requirements for developing new quality productive forces, we should establish a virtuous cycle between education, science and technology, and talent, and put in place sound working mechanisms for training, introducing, utilizing, and ensuring the smooth mobility of talent.

We should also improve the mechanism for taking production factors into account in income distribution and foster a favorable atmosphere in which innovation is encouraged and failure is tolerated.

Editor: Yi Xiaowei