Wuxi Xizhou Garden Hotel
Wuxi Xizhou Garden Hotel [Photo/xizhougardenhotel.cn]
Located at the Xishan Economic Development Zone, Wuxi Xizhou Hotel is adjacent to the Taihu Avenue, the Wuxi-Shanghai Road and the National Highway No. 312, only 2km away from the eastern exit to Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway, 5km from Wuxi Railway Station and 10km from Wuxi Sunan International Airport.
Covering 85,300m2, of which the business area is 32,800m2, the hotel has been renovated and expanded three times. Moreover, much attention is given to afforestation in the design of external environment around the hotel. With a green coverage ratio of 62%, this hotel is known as a "Garden Hotel".
Address: No 68, Central Erquan Road, Xishan district, Wuxi
Tel: 0510-88686888