Beijing raises number of ‘high-risk’ countries and regions to 25


Beijing raised the number of countries and regions considered to be at high risk of imported COVID-19 infection to 25, including the US and Italy and newly listed Australia, Singapore, Japan and China's Hong Kong, as China's capital now takes preventing and controlling the imported cases as a priority.

Chen Bei, a top official with the Beijing government, said on Wednesday at a press conference that the city has added ten countries and regions to the list - Portugal, Czech Republic, Greece, Israel, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, and China's Hong Kong - following 15 that were named previously by China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Beijing News reported Wednesday.

The ministry warned Chinese nationals not to go to Italy, Spain, France, Germany, the US, Switzerland, the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Belgium and Austria, as the countries have been hit hard by the pandemic.

Beijing confirmed five more imported COVID-19 cases from abroad on Tuesday, all of whom were Chinese overseas students. Two returned from the US, two from the UK, and one from Spain.
The ministry reminded Chinese nationals in the countries to protect themselves, avoid unnecessary outdoor activities and guard against cross infection.

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