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Jinwan plant starts assembling its second huge amphib


Updated: 2021-06-29

The complete assembly of another of the world's largest amphibious aircraft, the AG600, began June 24 at China Aviation Industry General Aircraft (CAIGA South China) in Jinwan District of Zhuhai.

The middle fuselage, the first large-size structural component of this new AG600, arrived June 22. AVIC XAC Commercial Aircraft began manufacturing the section Jan 26 in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province and completed it June 11. The middle fuselage received an airworthiness approval tag from the CAAC Shanghai Aircraft Airworthiness Certification Center on June 18. Subsequent parts will arrive later for assembly and tests.

The original AG600 seaplane was independently designed by China for forest firefighting and maritime rescue. Maiden voyages have been completed on land, sea, and fresh water, and the craft has set a standard for national emergency rescue and natural disaster control work.

CAIGA's AG600 assembly line was designated a National Demonstration Base for Patriotism Education earlier this month. Exhibits and a tour route are since being improved for a better experience, according to a company executive.


AG600 middle fuselage [Photo courtesy CAIGA (South China)]



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