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YNU students move back to their campus in batches

Updated: May 13, 2020


Students queue up to enter the campus at Yunnan University, on May 11. [Photo/]

Students at Yunnan University in Kunming, capital of Southwest China's Yunnan province, went back to campus in batches from May 11, according to university reports.

According to plans, doctoral candidates in natural sciences and postgraduates and undergraduates who will graduate this summer returned to campus on May 11, while other students will be come back successively.

Students returning to campus needed to queue up to take body temperatures, keeping a distance of at least 1 meter from each other and only those with a normal body temperature and green health codes could go to their dormitories.

Students' luggage also needed to be disinfected before entering dormitories.

University officials said that novel coronavirus epidemic prevention and control materials were being given to returning students, to help them keep safe and healthy.

They said teachers and students from the School of Information Science and Engineering had also developed multi-objective real-time body temperature measurement system and entrance registration system, shortening the waiting time for body temperature measurements and offering more convenience to teachers and students.


A university member of staff measures the body temperature of a student, on May 11. [Photo/]

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