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YNU student inspires with tireless community voluntary work

Updated: Feb 20, 2020

Students from Yunnan University have been actively participating in the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus pneumonia -- and one in particular has recently providing an inspiring example of selfless and tireless effort, according to YNU officials.

YNU sport institute student Jiang Yaheng, for one, has been working as a community volunteer since Feb 4.

Every day from 10:00 to 17:00, Jiang conducts household surveys with community staff, checking the health condition of residents, while from 17:00 to 24:00 , Jiang has then gone on duty at key intersections at the community to check passing vehicles.

In the space of a week, Jiang participated in more than 400 household surveys and checked over 500 vehicles.

His inspiring example was lauded by staff at Baoxing community in Anning city in Yunnan province.

Jiang recalled that when he became a volunteer the first day, he saw a little girl make a hand-drawn card to help cheer on China and Wuhan, which touched him.

He said that young people should do more in face of the epidemic outbreak. What he did was limited, and he believed Chinese people would surely win the battle, Jiang added.


YNU student Jiang Yaheng (L) conducts a household survey as a volunteer. [Photo/WeChat account of the office of student affairs of Yunnan University]

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