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Zhuhai doctors highly praised for giving care in Africa

Updated: 2019-07-24 (cityofzhuhai.com) Print

A contingent of Zhuhai doctors is among a medical team from Guangdong Province that has earned the highest honor of the Central African country Equatorial Guinea -- the medal of Commander of the Order of Independence.

The 27 local physicians flew back to Zhuhai on July 22 after one and a half years of providing medical aid in the small sub-equatorial country. They had left from Guangzhou on Jan 5, 2018 as part of the 29th Medical Team to Equatorial Guinea. The oldest team member is 52 years old, while the youngest is under 30. 


Medical team 

One of the local doctors is Wang Li, deputy director of the Endocrinology Department of Zhuhai People's (Renmin) Hospital. Dr Wang compiled the first Manual of Family Health (in Chinese and Spanish, which is the official language of the country). The medical guide was highly acclaimed by both Equatorial Guinea President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo and the minister of health.

In addition, Wang also edited a Health Manual for Travelers in Africa and launched the official WeChat account of Healthcare Management By Your Side -- African Version.

While in the country, the Guangdong medical team received 7,689 outpatients and 9,147 inpatients. They performed 116 emergency treatments, 1,349 operations, 635 anesthesia procedures, 1,420 acupuncture treatments, and 11,039 assays and examinations. 


Zhuhai doctor in Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea is on the west coast of Central Africa, just south of the Equator on the Gulf of Guinea. Smaller in area than Taiwan, its people suffer from a hot climate, mosquitoes, malaria, and infectious disease. Many families cannot afford medical expenses, and so delayed treatment exacerbates common diseases or even causes lifelong disabilities.

In January this year, China agreed to strengthen pragmatic cooperation with Equatorial Guinea, support its economic diversification, and bring benefits to its people. At that time, President Obiang noted that China has for long provided vigorous support and assistance for Equatorial Guinea, according to Xinhua News.

In their free time, the team members organized eight charity activities in which 1,230 people received free medical consultations and drugs originally worth 30,000 yuan ($4,360). The medical providers also conducted small-incision cataract surgeries at local hospitals and gave lectures on traditional Chinese medicine.


Families greet returning doctors at Zhuhai (Jinwan) Airport [Photos by Zhao Zi / Zhuhai Daily]
