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New maker space opens for Zhuhai startups

Updated: 2017-01-04 Print

Another maker space opened in Zhuhai's Xiangzhou District on Dec 30, aimed at providing startups with all they need to get a foot-up in business. 

The Originator Maker Space is located at Zhuhai-based Kimka Creative Valley, an industrial park for cultural creative development.  It is community-operated and offers office, catering and entertainment services to startups in technology and cultural creative industries. 


The Originator Maker Space, targeting startups in the technology and creative industries, opens on Dec 29 at Xiangzhou's Qianshan. [Photo / zh.house.qq.com]

The 2,000-square-meter second-floor maker space is segmented into a large public area and small cubicles, with a capacity of 60 startups, and 258 people. 

With cubicles costing as little as 800 yuan ($115) per month, the space has already attracted some 20 startup teams, including a new fashion label.

To provide comprehensive cost-efficient services, Kimka Creative Valley is planning to transform some of the city's older industrial buildings into apartments for entrepreneurs. The total area will exceed 15,000 sq m and accommodate 800 people.

The Zhuhai Cultural & Creative Industry Development Plan for the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) was introduced last year and is expected to increase the value-added output of cultural and creative industries. By the end of 2020, it is hoped the creative industries will account for 5 percent of Zhuhai's GDP and yield 15 billion yuan in revenue per year.
