
Wanzai Community Healthcare Center

Updated: 2016-09-27 (zhxz.gov.cn) Print

Wanzai Community Healthcare Center is one of the first grade Class A hospitals in Guangdong Province, which combines medical treatment, disease prevention, teaching, and scientific research.

Surrounded by picturesque natural scenery, the healthcare center covers 15,700 square meters, with 150 hospital beds.

The center has 120 employees, among whom 92 are medical technicians. Eight of them boast senior technical titles, and 30 personnel have intermediate technical titles.

The clinic departments include emergency department, internal medicine department, surgical department, orthopedics department, gynecology and obstetrics department, pediatrics, traditional Chinese medicine department, ENT (ear, nose and throat) department, dentistry department, and physiotherapy.

The center is equipped with medical facilities such as a Shimadzu 500MAX machine, full automatic processing machine, biochemicalanalyzer, B-type ultrasound, anesthesia respirator, and so on.

Its services cover precaution, diagnosis, and treatment of common diseases and frequently encountered diseases, and healthcare for senior citizens. The center can independently carry out treatment for diseases including severe pneumonia, heart attack, hypertensive crisis, malaria, and urocystitis.

The epidemic prevention department of the center also implements sanitary control and physical examination.

Tel: 86-756-8810218

Fax: 86-756-8810218, 8825920

Emergency call: 86-756-8810201, 8823337

Address: No. 86 Jianghai Road, Wanzai, Zhuhai

E-mail: wzyy88@yahoo.com.cn
