
The People’s Hospital of Xiangzhou District

Updated: 2016-08-09 (zhxz.gov.cn) Print

The People’s Hospital of Xiangzhou District is a government-funded general hospital in Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai City, providing a full range of medical services. Founded in October 1955, the district-level hospital is also an academic research and training center and an internship base for local medical students. It has maintained a leading position in the district as a comprehensive health care provider.   


With 300 beds and three major departments, the 32,000 square meter hospital has about 500 employees. Up to 88 percent of them are medical and technical staff, including 66 chief physicians and 100 attending physicians. About 560,000 people seek clinical and emergency care in the hospital each year while another 3,200 undergo surgery. The figures are increasing by an average of 8 percent per year as the hospital constantly boosts its services and environment.

The hospital has three departments: the out-patient department, the in-patient department and paramedical units. It also has a health service center offering medical examinations and consultations. With the vision of being a premier hospital for patients, employees and government regulators, the hospital vows to improve its services to the public.

Address: 178 Lanpu Road, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai

Tel: 86-756-8661695

Fax: 86-756-8624195

Emergency: 86-756-8661580

Web: http://www.xzqrmyy.com/

E-mail: zxqryb@163.com
