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WIOT vibes permeate Wuxi

wiotexpo.cn Updated:2023-10-21



Poster for the 2023 World Internet of Things Exposition, held in Wuxi, East China's Jiangsu province, from Oct 20 to 23. [Photo/WeChat account:news-wuxixinwen]

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Poster of the 2023 WIOT Wuxi Summit. [Photo/WeChat account:news-wuxixinwen]

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A self-driving bus is prepared for people who make a reservation to take an IoT-themed tour. [Photo/WeChat account:news-wuxixinwen]

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Poster for 2023 WIOT is seen at the Sunan Shuofang International Airport. [Photo/WeChat account:news-wuxixinwen]


Poster for 2023 WIOT is seen on a road in Wuxi. [Photo/WeChat account:news-wuxixinwen]

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Poster for 2023 WIOT is set up beside a road in Wuxi. [Photo/WeChat account:news-wuxixinwen]
