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First North China International Chess Elite Tournament held in Tianjin's Xiqing

xiqing.exploringtianjin.com| Updated : 2024-07-24

The first North China International Chess Elite Tournament was held in Tianjin's Xiqing district on July 19. More than 500 outstanding chess players from Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi province and the Inner Mongolia autonomous region competed on the stage.


The first North China International Chess Elite Tournament held in Tianjin's Xiqing district.

This four-day competition was divided into Open Group and competitions for International Chess Level 2 to Level 15 players, both male and female.

Also invited to the competition was Xie Jun, China's first female World Chess Champion, international chess grandmaster, vice-president of the International Chess Federation, and vice-dean of the Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, to provide guidance on site.

"I am very pleased to see that this competition has attracted many young chess players to participate today. I believe that through systematic training and maintaining interest in chess, they will definitely gain a different experience in their growth," said Xie.

"We will take this competition as an opportunity to create a sports and cultural brand with the distinctive characteristics of Xiqing district and further promote the integration and exchange of various industries such as culture, commerce, tourism and sports," said Pan Zheng, director of the Sports Bureau of Xiqing district.