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Dongli holds promotional meeting on local development

dongli.exploringtianjin.com| Updated : 2023-03-14

On Mar 10, Dongli district held a promotional meeting on local development to sign project agreements in the region. Jia Di, secretary of the CPC Dongli district Committee, Li Chun, deputy secretary of the CPC Dongli district Committee and acting head of Dongli district, and Chen Yuan, deputy secretary of the CPC Dongli district Committee, attended the meeting.


The promotional meeting on local development held in Dongli district [Photo/ tjdl.net]

During the meeting, Dongli Economic Development Zone, Huaming High-tech Zone and seven other industrial parks signed agreements with the enterprises in the areas. A total of 29 industrial projects were signed at the meeting, with an investment of 6 million yuan (about $880 million), covering the fields of new energy, medical equipment, intelligent manufacturing, high-end equipment manufacturing and cultural tourism.


The signing ceremony between Dongli district and enterprises [Photo/ tjdl.net]

The leaders of Dongli district highlighted that Dongli will continue to construct a modern industrial system, accelerate the high-quality development of its manufacturing industry, support leading enterprises in their further development, and promote technological innovation in a bid to contribute to the economic development of the whole region.