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2023 project promotion meeting of the Northern Cross-border Digital Trade Ecological Core Zone opens

dongli.exploringtianjin.com| Updated : 2023-02-10

On Feb 8, the 2023 project promotion meeting of the Northern Cross-border Digital Trade Ecological Core Zone and the unveiling ceremony of Newegg Tianjin Operation Center were held in Dongli district, Tianjin. Jia Di, deputy secretary of CPC Dongli district Committee and head of Dongli district, and Zhou Lu, member of the Party leadership group and first-level inspector of the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Commerce, attended the activity and delivered a speech.

During the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) period, Dongli will continue to fully promote the development of its cross-border e-commerce industry based on the development orientation of "science and innovation green valley with new urban area" of Dongli district. In the past two years, relying on the convenient transportation and advantageous resources of Dongli, the construction of the Northern Cross-border Digital Trade Ecological Core Zone has gradually seen the completion of the cross-border e-commerce industrial ecosystem, reducing the operating costs of cross-border e-commerce enterprises and building a resource aggregation hub. It has introduced over 60 enterprises in the cross-border e-commerce ecological chain. In 2022, the overseas retail sales of cross-border e-commerce exceeded 1 billion yuan (about $150 million). At the same time, the establishment of a cross-border digital trade base has brought benefits to Tianjin cross-border e-commerce enterprises in terms of business environment, exhibition costs, and information access.

In 2023, Dongli district will strive to solve the problems encountered in the development of the zone, and play its role in building the zone into the leading area for the development of cross-border e-commerce industry in Dongli.

The "Tianjin Manufacturing Enterprises' Foreign Trade Digital Transformation Exchange Symposium" and the "Uzbekistan Cross-border E-commerce Development Symposium" were also held. Over 20 local manufacturing enterprises in Tianjin jointly discussed how to carry out the digital transformation of traditional foreign trade enterprises through cross-border e-commerce; the government of Dongli, together with the Chamber of Commerce of Chinese Enterprises in Uzbekistan and relevant enterprises, discussed how to explore the new strengths of bilateral trade and innovation cooperation and accelerate the construction of the "China-Central Asia-Europe" cross-border e-commerce corridor.

This activity gathered over 100 e-commerce enterprises, representatives of universities, financial institutions, experts and scholars, who exchanged ideas on forming a cross-border e-commerce industry cluster, promoting the integration and development of cross-border e-commerce, and further improving the foreign trade economy of Dongli district.