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Dongli develops a three-year action plan

dongli.exploringtianjin.com| Updated : 2022-12-29

Dongli district has formulated a three-year action plan to accelerate its industrial layout and stimulate new local vitality by improving the innovation ability of the characteristic industrial parks.

Dongli has made scientific and technological innovation a priority and is vigorously promoting the gathering of innovative enterprises. In combination with the actual needs of local enterprises, the local government formulated the Three Year Action Plan for Innovative Economic Development, proposing to focus on the innovation service chain and financial service chain of scientific and technological enterprises, and providing financial policy support for them.

Dongli plans to promote information sharing among market supervision, information technology, construction, commerce, science and technology and other departments, and help settled enterprises receive financial support subsidies. Moreover, the local government also provides "one-to-one" guidance for enterprises.

In addition to its innovative economy, Dongli district has also formulated a three-year action plan focusing on investment attraction, emerging consumption and another seven aspects. It plans to carry out overseas investment promotion activities in the EU, Japan and other areas in 2023, to ensure that more than 50 projects worth more than 100 million yuan will be launched throughout the year. Furthermore, Dongli will promote the comprehensive transformation of a number of key scientific research institutions, and strive to realize the application of no less than 200 scientific and technological achievements.