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Dongli to promote the transformation and upgrade of enterprises

dongli.exploringtianjin.com| Updated : 2022-11-08

In recent years, Dongli has vigorously promoted the "smart and digital transformation" of manufacturing enterprises, accelerated local development driven by innovation, and the green, intelligent and high-end transformation and upgrade of enterprises.


Tianjin Fengjin Automobile Transmission Parts Co., Ltd. [Photo/ tjdl.net]

Tianjin Fengjin Automobile Transmission Parts Co., Ltd. is a sophisticated automobile parts manufacturer with a history of 27 years, producing key automobile parts. Restricted by its aging of production lines, Tianjin Fengjin Automobile Transmission Parts has been looking for opportunities for its transformation and upgrading. In 2019, it started with its intelligent upgrading and transformation, and obtained the special support funds from the local government. That same year, it introduced more than 30 flexible robots.

Currently, the enterprise has nearly 100 robots in total, and in its production workshop, the robots operate cooperatively. This highly automated and intelligent production line supports this "smart" factory in reducing labor costs, ensuring manufacturing accuracy, and greatly improving the reliability of products. According to Pan Qi, the responsible person of the manufacturing department of the company, after applying robots to the production process, production efficiency has increased by 20 percent; 24-hour operation has been realized, and production capacity has been greatly improved.


Tianjin Fengjin Automobile Transmission Parts Co., Ltd. [Photo/ tjdl.net]

So far this year, Dongli district has provided more than 100 consulting services for enterprises in key industries through the establishment of a service team specializing in "smart digital transformation", and 6 smart manufacturing projects have been approved at more than 22 million yuan (about $3 million).

Focusing on the digital transformation of equipment, information construction and intelligent application, Dongli district has implemented a "differentiated cloud strategy", and promoted industrial enterprises to migrate their core businesses, such as R&D, design, production and manufacturing, onto the cloud platform.

In addition to cultivating three demonstration application projects, such as in "5G + industrial Internet platform construction", Dongli has also promoted enterprises to build an integrated digital platform, encouraged small and medium-sized enterprises to develop online marketing, digital offices, intelligent production lines and other applications, encouraged the Airport Economic Zone and Dongli Economic Development Zone to use digital technology to improve their management and service capabilities, so as to create a new engine for industrial development.