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Dongli district announces plans for development

dongli.exploringtianjin.com| Updated : 2022-04-27

Tianjin Municipal People's Government Information Office held a news conference to announce Dongli district's achievements and strategies for future development.

Since 2021, Dongli has employed multiple policies to relieve the burden on enterprises, including financial, administrative, and political support. They did this to create a market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized business environment.

According to Jia Di, head of Dongli district, the investment in fixed assets increased by 7.6 percent in 2021 and 15.5 percent in the first quarter of 2022.

"Innovation is the key to economic development in Dongli district," said Jia, "to promote industrial innovation, massive resources have been and more will be devoted to specialized industrial zones."

By facilitating land use for enterprises, Dongli has attracted 950 high-quality projects and aims to establish more specialized industrial zones in the next five years.

To support business operation, Dongli government initiated the report to enterprise project and interviewed all 83 key enterprises in the area.

In 2021, 337 demands and appeals related to company operation and management were resolved by the local administration, and the satisfaction rate reached 99.6 percent by the end of the year.
