Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City

Updated : 2022-02-17

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Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City (SSTEC) is a strategic cooperation program between China and Singapore. As a new highlight of bilateral cooperation after the Suzhou Industrial Park, SSTEC reflects the determination of the governments of China and Singapore in coping with global climate change, strengthening environmental protection, conserving resources and energy, and providind active discussions and examples for building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society.

SSTEC aims to develop the low-carbon, green and circular economy and advocate the promotion of a green lifestyle. Efforts will be made to build an international cooperation demonstration area, green development demonstration area and a demonstration area of the integration of the industry and the city. SSTEC strives to create a prosperous livable intelligent new city that can be duplicated and promoted. SSTEC takes into account both advanced features, high-end features and the ability to replicate and popularizes and takes concrete actions in the harmonious coexistence between people and people, people and economic activities as well as people and the environment.