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Xiamen to permit guide dogs on train from May1

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: April 30, 2015 L M S

Xiamen, in east China’s Fujian province, will allow guide dogs to board trains with their owners from May 1, according to an announcement made by the China Railway Corporation and China’s Disabled Persons’ Federation.

Guide dogs are defined as those which are properly trained and have acquired work certificates granted by the International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF). Passengers who wish to bring guide dogs on board are required to possess their ID card, certificates of physical difficulties, work permits and health and immunity certificates for their guide dogs.

Guide dogs are required to be kept on leashes and guide saddles when entering the train station. A security check is needed for both owners and guide dogs.

Meanwhile, if the journey is longer than 12 hours, another traveling companion is required to take care of guide dog.

While purchasing tickets, visually handicapped travelers are suggested to inform their staff members of the relevant train stations as to arrange for suitable seat arrangements. If any help is needed, please dial 12306 for more information.

Why Xiamen

  • About Xiamen

    Xiamen is one of the most economically competitive cities in China and was one of the first Special Economic Zones on the Chinese mainland. As a vice-provincial city independently listed on the State development plan, it has provincial-level authority in economic administration and local legislative power. In 2010, the Xiamen SEZ was expanded to cover the entire municipality. Today, Xiamen is a modern and international port city.

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