
Rural doctor appreciates project's help, repays society


"As an optimistic person, I try to reconcile with the past, and I don't intentionally recall those days of hardship, which would make me feel uncomfortable. However, the past has become a source of gain and strength, instead of a burden for me," Sang Linyu, a beneficiary of the Spring Bud Project from Northwest China's Qinghai province, says. Sang is now a doctor in a health center in her hometown, Guolemude, a town in Golmud city. 

"I went to the village school for primary and middle school. The school was two kilometers away from my home. What I remembered most was the dirt road in the village, which was mud when it rained," Sang recalls.


Sang Linyu at work (CCTF)

There were four children in Sang's family. Her parents did farm work, and raised two cows, for a living, and her mother sold milk in the market every day. Due to her family's difficult conditions, Sang and her siblings seldom had new clothes, let alone toys and tasty snacks. Their economic plight became their largest hurdle as they pursued their education, even though they all performed well at school.

Sang, luckily, became a beneficiary of the project in 2006. She was also one of the few children from her township to enter high school in Golmud that year.

"The project came to me at the most opportune time, and I stopped worrying about the possibility of dropping out of school," Sang says.

While she studied in Golmud, Sang rented a house because the school didn't provide accommodations to its students. She lived alone, and she learned how to take care of herself.   

Sang always tried her best to overcome the various difficulties in her independent life. Still, Sang felt stress when she thought about learning English; nevertheless, she didn't complain, or mention the situation to her parents.

"At that time, I told myself that I must work hard, never give up and keep going," Sang recalls. She says at critical times, like whenever she was afraid of the difficulties, her parents' expectations and the selfless help and support from the caring people behind the Spring Bud Project always encouraged and cheered her up.


Sang Linyu at work (CCTF)

In 2009, when she enrolled in university, Sang chose to study traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). She says being a doctor not only helps her save lives, it also helps her convey love and warmth to more people.

Sang's family experienced many positive changes while she was a college student. For example, her older sisters got married and found employment, and both of her parents found work –– with stable income –– at a local petroleum firm.

Given her excellent academic performance, Sang continued to receive a subsidy from the Spring Bud Project. With the subsidy and student loans, Sang no longer had to worry about her tuition, or other expenditures, in university.

After she graduated from university, in 2013, she returned to her hometown and took a job at a health center.

Sang has become an experienced TCM doctor. In addition to participating in publicity and education campaigns on health, she offers volunteer medical services, as her way to repay society.


Sang Linyu (CCTF)

Sang attaches great importance to children's mental health. "I have learned a lot about psychology since I became a doctor. Psychological guidance is very important for children's growth and development," she says.

Sang is filial. She and her family often visit their parents on weekends, and during festivals. Sang says she and her siblings owe much to their parents for their upbringing.

Sang is also deeply grateful to the project and charity-minded individuals for their assistance. "During my most difficult time, the Spring Bud Project made me feel I wasn't being ignored by the people around me. It is the help of caring people that makes me feel worthy, and that my efforts are worthwhile," Sang says.