Shanghai trademark agency fined for misleading promises
The Chongming District Market Supervision Bureau in East China's Shanghai imposed fines on Shanghai Yanxi Intellectual Property Agency Co Ltd, following a supervisory inspection of their Taobao store, called Yanxi Intellectual Property Services.
The store was found to be offering trademark registration services with the guarantee of gaining a "passing approval", a promise deemed inappropriate by the regulators.
During the inspection, two service listings were discovered offering trademark registration services with misleading promises of getting guaranteed approval.
One listing was advertised as: "450 yuan ($62.40) for complete trademark registration services in Shanghai, including applications, transfers, renewals, modifications, reevaluations and for the Amazon brand in the US".
These listings were found to be designed to boost the store's visibility and sales by promising assured success, which contravened regulatory standards.
Investigations revealed that the promotional pages making these guarantees were created and published by Xu Xiaojian, the legal representative of the company.
In response to these violations – based on article 68, paragraph 1, item 2 of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China – the agency was fined 10,000 yuan.
Additionally, the person directly responsible at the agency was fined 5,000 yuan and received a warning for their role in the misleading advertising.