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Shanghai debuts multifaceted IP dispute resolution mechanism| Updated: May 9, 2024 L M S

In a significant move to elevate the effectiveness of intellectual property or IP protection, the Shanghai Intellectual Property Protection Center, in collaboration with the Shanghai International Arbitration Center, staged a major event recently in East China's Shanghai.

The center hosted the 2024 Intellectual Property Publicity Month Symposium on April 28, entitled Diversified Mechanisms for Resolving IP Disputes.

Yu Chen, deputy director general of the Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration, or SIPA, attended. In his keynote speech, he emphasized the need for strengthening the entire chain of IP protection by utilizing a comprehensive array of tools – including legal, administrative, economic, technological and social governance measures.

He highlighted the importance of improving the protection system through various stages such as examinations and authorizations. Other key stages and areas are administrative enforcement, judicial protection, arbitration and mediation, industry self-regulation and public integrity.

During the symposium, the Shanghai Intellectual Property Protection Center and the Shanghai Intellectual Property Court jointly released the "Shanghai Intellectual Property Litigation and Mediation Guidance V2.0".

This guide is said to integrate Shanghai's significant achievements in the diversified resolution of IP disputes, offering new perspectives and methods for multifaceted dispute resolution.

What's more, the "First Batch of Technical Consultation Experts Think Tank Directory" was unveiled by the Shanghai Intellectual Property Protection Center and certificates were awarded to the registered experts.

Leveraging the professional know-how and skills of the think tank, the initiative aims to provide technical support for judicial protection and administrative adjudication – further advancing the depth of the diversified IP dispute resolution mechanism.

A roundtable forum was also held on the day, with guests from various industries sharing their experiences and methods for resolving IP disputes.