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Shanghai, EU IP offices hold online exchange meeting| Updated: October 26, 2023 L M S

The Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration (SIPA) and the Boards of Appeal of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) held an online work exchange meeting on Oct 17.


SIPA officials have an online meeting with EUIPO. [Photo/WeChat account: Shanghai_IPA]

Yu Chen, deputy director general of SIPA, briefed the EU side on the latest developments of Shanghai's IP work and the preparations for the 20th Shanghai International Intellectual Property Forum. He also thanked the EU office for its support and expressed his hope for more cooperation in the field of IP dispute resolution.

Gordon Humphreys, president of the Boards of Appeal (ad interim), introduced the work of his office and thanked SIPA for its guidance and assistance for EU enterprises in Shanghai. He said he is looking forward to further communication and exchange with the Shanghai side.

The meeting was also attended by the head of the Shanghai Commercial Mediation Center, who gave an introduction of the center's work.