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National IP protection work conference held in Shanghai| Updated: February 28, 2023 L M S


Business gets underway at the National Intellectual Property Protection Work Conference. [Photo/WeChat account: NIPAPRC]

The National Intellectual Property Protection Work Conference was held in Shanghai city in East China on Feb 22.

The conference summarized and exchanged information on the results of intellectual property, or IP protection work in 2022, analyzed new situations, new tasks and the new requirements in the IP sector and studied and mapped out key tasks for 2023.

Hu Wenhui, deputy director of the China National Intellectual Property Administration, attended the event and delivered a keynote speech.

Hu pointed out that in the past year, the whole IP system has worked together, taken concrete actions and explored and innovated in multiple channels to strengthen IP protection work – achieving breakthroughs in many fields and providing powerful support for overall economic and social development.

Hu called for a comprehensive improvement of the legal level of IP work, a firm grasp of the direction of strict protection and for continuously promoting an extensive protection work pattern. Hu also called on there to be a focus on achieving fast protection results and an adherence to the principle of equal protection.

At the conference, the China National Intellectual Property Administration awarded National Geographical Indication Product Protection Demonstration Area certificates for newly approved and audited areas in 2022.

Representatives from Shanghai, Jilin, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Shandong, Guangdong and other provinces delivered speeches as typical examples.