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US attache in Shanghai visits intellectual property body| Updated: November 1, 2022 L M S


Juli Schwartz (L), the US IP attache in Shanghai has talks with Rui Wenbiao, director general of SIPA. [Photo/WeChat account: Shanghai_IPA]

A delegation led by Juli Schwartz, the US intellectual property or IP attache in Shanghai, visited the Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration, or SIPA in the city in East China on Oct 26.

Rui Wenbiao, the director general of SIPA and Yu Chen, deputy director general of SIPA received the delegation.

Rui Wenbiao talked about the major responsibilities of SIPA and the development of Shanghai's IP sector to his guests. He said that in recent years, Shanghai had continued to build a law-based policy environment for IP, improve IP protection mechanisms and had strengthened its IP administrative protection. The city had also deepened its international cooperation on IP protection, striving to create a world-class business environment.

During the talks, the US IP attache expressed her appreciation of the administration as being the first independent bureau level comprehensive administration for IP in China and spoke highly of Shanghai's international cooperation in IP protection.

She expressed the desire to boost enhance mutual understanding between the two sides through the visit and carry out more IP cooperation in the future.

The two sides also exchanged views on alternative resolutions of IP disputes, administrative mediation and judicial confirmation mechanisms and international cooperation and exchanges on IP.