The Taiyuan Yangko Academy was established and put into use on Aug 10 in Taiyuan, capital of North China's Shanxi province. 

Taiyuan yangko, a popular local folk dance, is a form of provincial-level intangible cultural heritage. It originated from Jinyuan district and later spread to surrounding counties. With its beautiful melodies and distinctive characteristics, Taiyuan yangko embodies the aesthetics of the Chinese nation in its musical expression and performance style.

However, since the 1970s, it has faced a hiatus in its development and almost risked becoming extinct. The establishment of the academy represents an exciting new milestone in terms of its protection and inheritance. 

Cui Yundong, a seventh-generation inheritor of Taiyuan yangko, explained that the academy will be used for rehearsals, performances, research, and exhibitions, making it an important venue for promoting and preserving this time-honored art.