

Pingyao's time-honored treasures flourish

Updated:2023-11-01 13:46
( goshanxi.com.cn)


A craftsman from Tangdu Polished Lacquerware Co makes Pingyao polished lacquerware. [Photo/Shanxi Economic Daily] 

A group of journalists recently visited Pingyao county in North China's Shanxi province to investigate the development of local time-honored treasures. 

During their interviews conducted at Pingyao Beef Group, reporters from various media outlets were fascinated by the traditional Pingyao beef-making technique, which has a history of over 2,000 years. 

"In 2022, the beef production of Pingyao Beef Group reached 5,210 metric tons, with an annual output value of 680 million yuan ($92.98 million). Especially after entering online sales platforms such as Taobao and Douyin, our sales have been soaring," said Li Yunwen, assistant general manager of the group. 

Since 2021, the group's livestreaming on Douyin has generated transactions worth over 16 million yuan. 

Pingyao's treasures not only include delicious beef, but also its famous polished lacquerware. 

In the Tangdu Polished Lacquerware Cultural Creative Park in Pingyao, Lei Shujuan, from Tangdu Polished Lacquerware Co, patiently explained the production process required for this handicraft. 

"My first encounter with Pingyao was when I saw Jia Zhangke promoting Pingyao beef and polished lacquerware to the world at the Pingyao International Film Festival. I hope that Pingyao will continue to expand the influence of the two treasures," said one of the journalists. 

Pingyao has been seizing policy opportunities and making great efforts to promote the high-quality development of its beef and polished lacquerware industries. 

Currently, it's accelerating the construction of a Pingyao beef industrial park and is set to transform East Avenue in the Ancient Town of Pingyao in the county into a street based on the theme of polished lacquerware.

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