

Foreign envoys visit Pingyao

Updated:2023-09-11 16:58
( goshanxi.com.cn)


Foreign envoys and representatives of international organizations in China visit Pingyao county, Sept 7. [Photo/Pingyao Rong Mei]

Foreign envoys and representatives of international organizations in China visited Pingyao county in North China's Shanxi province on Sept 7.

The 20 diplomats and representatives from 19 countries and the United Nations World Food Programme China Office visited the Ancient City of Pingyao, Confucius Temple, Rishengchang Exchange Shop Museum and Tangdu Lacquerware Museum in the county.

They gained insights into the conservation and utilization of historical buildings, the cultural significance of ancient bank drafts, and experienced the local unique intangible culture heritage. 

The foreign envoys expressed their astonishment and admiration for the charm and world-renowned historical heritage of Pingyao. They were impressed by the flourishing economy and vibrant culture of Jinzhong city, which administers Pingyao county, and expressed their hope for closer ties with the city.

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