

Pingyao promotes farm produce in Beijing

Updated:2023-09-08 09:36
( goshanxi.com.cn)


Agricultural products from Pingyao county are on display at the Xinfadi wholesale market in Beijing on Sept 5. [Photo/Pingyao Rong Mei]

Several companies from Pingyao county in North China's Shanxi province signed business orders at the Xinfadi wholesale market in Beijing on Sept 5. 

An agricultural products fair and event promoting investment in Jinzhong city was held at the wholesale market that day, with eight agricultural enterprises from Pingyao attending. Products such as Pingyao beef and Tianlongxiang mooncakes attracted much attention from visitors and merchants.


Attendees visit Pingyao's exhibition area at the Xinfadi wholesale market in Beijing on Sept 5. [Photo/Pingyao Rong Mei]

The event adopted on-site promotions, displays, sales, and investment signing to fully showcase all the new products, technologies, accomplishments, and investment projects in Jinzhong's agricultural sector. This allowed more consumers and buyers to recognize, taste, and appreciate the high-quality agricultural products from Jinzhong, thereby promoting the nationwide spread of Jinzhong's distinctive products.

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