
Permanent Residence Certificate for Reunion of Husband and Wife

(shanghai.gov.cn) Updated : 2016-10-21

I. Requirements for application:

1. Aliens who conform with the following requirements may apply for the permanent residence certificate for aliens for the reunion of husband and wife:

(1) Married to a Chinese citizen (with permanent household register in China) or with an alien who has obtained the permanent household register in China;

(2) With marriage sustaining for 5 years;

(3) Having lived in China for continuous 5 years and resided in China not less than 9 months every year; and,

(4) With stable, ensured living and residence.

II. Formalities for application:

1. Submit the completely filled in“Application Form for the Permanent Residence Certificate in China for Aliens (involving reunion of husband and wife)”and submit 4 2in the applicant’s recently taken bareheaded, front-faced with background colored photos;

2. Submit for examination the applicant’s valid passport or any certificate qualified to substitute the passport and a duplicate;

3. Submit the valid visa or foreigner residence permit;

4. Submit the health certificate for exit-entry issued within 6 months by the Chinese quarantine department. The“Health Certificate”issued abroad within 6 months should be authenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate stationed in that country;

5. Submit the certificate for no-criminal record abroad authenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate stationed in that country;

6. Submit the certificate for permanent household register of the Chinese spouse or the“Permanent Residence Certificate for Aliens”of the foreign spouse;

7. Submit the marriage certificate issued by the Chinese Civil Administration. The“Marriage Certificate”issued by a marriage organization abroad should be authenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate stationed in that country;

8. Submit the certificate for the applicant’s source of income issued by the municipal notary office or the certificate for the financial affidavit of the spouse in Shanghai. The certification issued by an organization abroad should be authenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate stationed in that country;

9. Submit the certificate for rented house or the property right of the applicant and his/her spouse.

If the certificate for the rented house or property right involves other people apart from the spouse and children, submit the notarized permit for stay with the other persons.

III. Time and place for handling the formalities:

Mon.–Sat. 9:00–17:00

Add: 1500, Minsheng Rd, Pudong New Area

Ⅳ. Time-limit for settlement: With all necessary documents for applicationcompleted to be settled within 6 months.

Ⅴ. Standard for charges:

1. Fee for handling: RMB1,500 yuan

2. Fee for the“Permanent Residence Permit for Aliens”: RMB300 yuan

Ⅵ. Tel. for consultation:28951900

Ⅶ. Tel. for supervision: 68547109