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Dongying Comprehensive Bonded Zone (Dongying Free Trade Zone)

Updated: May 1, 2024

With a planned area of 2.12 sq km, the Dongying Comprehensive Bonded Zone – located in the Dongying Port Economic Develop Area, in Dongying city – is a national-level development zone. It is the 4th comprehensive bonded zone in the province and the 54th comprehensive bonded zone in China.

Moreover, it is positioned as a multi-functional comprehensive bonded zone – mainly for bonded warehousing, a bonded processing zone, bonded warehousing logistics and a commodity trading display area. As such, it is laying out new formats including cross-border e-commerce, bonded research and development, bonded maintenance and bonded financial leasing. This is to achieve complementary development and optimize the regional industrial layout.


An aerial view of the Dongying Comprehensive Bonded Zone in Dongying, Shandong province. [Photo/Official website of Dongying Comprehensive Bonded Zone]

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