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Wrestlers shine at Ordos Bokh competition

Updated: 2024-04-30 (english.guiyang.gov.cn) Print


A Bokh elite competition kicks off in Juungar Banner of Ordos on April 29. [Photo/Juungar Release]

A prestigious Bokh elite competition kicked off in Juungar Banner of Ordos city on April 29, gathering 512 wrestlers nationwide to display skills, intellect and strength.

Bokh, a national-level intangible cultural heritage, is a traditional Mongolian sport and entertainment activity.


Two wrestlers compete at the Bokh elite competition on April 29. [Photo/Juungar Release]

The competition is one of the "three skills" of Mongolian men, symbolizing strength, wisdom, technique, and physique. It encompasses all aspects of physical fitness.

"I particularly enjoy watching this and appreciate the beauty of this art form," remarked visitor Dao Laojin.


Two wrestlers compete at the Bokh elite competition on April 29. [Photo/Juungar Release]
