
Solheim: China's desertification control experience instructive worldwide

Updated: 2017-07-11 (chinadaily.com.cn) Print

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) executive director Erik Solheim recently said during an International Conference on combating sandstorm held in Teheran, capital of Iran, that China's experiences on the prevention and control of desertification have extensive instructive meaning worldwide. 

Solheim spoke highly of China's active exploration of desertification control and sandstorm prevention. He was deeply impressed by the advanced ecological technology and the desert ecotourism projects developed by local herdsmen when he visited the Kubuqi Desert in Inner Mongolia, northern China. Solheim said that the ecological economy development model in the Kubuqi Desert could provide experience for other countries and regions in the world with desertification problems. 

The core of the Kubuqi Model is promoting enterprise development through technology, advancing large-scale desertification control through boosting relevant industry and improving people's livelihoods through ecology, Solheim said. With the gradual implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, China's experience will be expanded to Africa, the Middle East, South America and other regions, bringing benefits to people who suffer from rampant sandstorm, he added.   

Solheim called on the international community to pay attention to the harm caused by desertification and sandstorm to natural environments, human health, economic development and regional security. "The United Nations is obliged to work with all parties to deal with the challenge and promote the progress of desertification prevention in the world, solving the significant livelihood issue," he said. 

Solheim said that China has always been in the leading position in the world in terms of desertification control. In May, China's Environmental Protection Ministry and United Nations Environment Programme together established the Belt and Road International League of Green Development, aimed at providing ecological management and desertification control experience to the countries harassed by land desertification and developing clean energy such as wind energy and solar power. 

The thirteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP), established by the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), will be held in China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region in September. Representatives from 195 contracting parties will come together to discuss ways to combat desertification. 

Solheim indicated that desert greening and construction will effectively reduce the frequency and intensity of sandstorm. "It's a huge project that requires us to coordinate international, regional and national power; countries should solve problems on their own and also share resources and experiences with the world, working together against desertification and sandstorm," he said.   

The International Conference on combating sandstorm, co-sponsored by United Nations Environment Programme and the Environmental Protection Ministry of Iran, opened in Teheran on July 3. During the three-day conference about 400 representatives from UN offices and more than 30 countries discussed a number of topics, such as sandstorm control, desertification prevention and climate change issues.   
