Senior legislator inspects enforcement of Agricultural Law in Chongqing

Updated: 2024-05-23

Losang Jamcan, vice-chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, has emphasized the importance of implementing the Agricultural Law to promote all-around rural vitalization and advance the construction of a country strong in agriculture in accordance with the law.

The senior legislator made the remarks when he led a team to Southwest China's Chongqing municipality from May 14 to 16 to inspect the implementation of the Agricultural Law.

The team traveled to the districts of Yubei, Banan, Rongchang and Yongchuan to learn about the development of rural industries with local features, efforts to increase farmers' income, improvement in grain production and related operations, promotion of specialized agricultural services, and construction of a national-level big data service platform for single-breed livestock. They also inspected high-standard farmland construction, growth of smart agriculture, development of the village-level collective economy, and progress in advancing rural governance, and held symposiums to listen to work reports, suggestions and opinions from relevant parties.

Losang emphasized that conducting inspections on the implementation of the Agricultural Law is one of the important tasks of the NPC Standing Committee's supervision efforts this year.

He stressed the necessity to further implement the Agricultural Law to develop agriculture, continuously adjust and optimize agricultural production structures, and ensure the supply of grain and other major agricultural products.

Efforts should be made to strengthen support for agricultural science and technology and equipment in accordance with the law, accelerate the cultivation and development of new quality productive forces in agriculture and promote agricultural technological innovation and the transformation of research outcomes, he said.

Losang called for driving law-based green and low-carbon transformation of agriculture and rural areas, accelerating the construction of livable, beautiful and business-friendly rural areas, and making increasing farmers' income the central task of work related to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers.

Priority should be given to narrowing the income gap between urban and rural residents and the development gap between urban and rural areas, he said, stressing that it is crucial to improve policies to support agriculture and rural areas in accordance with the law.

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