Senior legislator inspects economic work in Guizhou

Updated: 2024-04-17

Xiao Jie, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), led a team to inspect the economic work in Southwest China's Guizhou province.

During a meeting with local officials on April 16, Xiao said that in recent years, Guizhou has achieved sustained and steady progress in economic and social development, making significant achievements in various fields.

He expressed the hope that Guizhou will continue to prioritize the task of high-quality development, persist in advancing technological innovation driven by industrial innovation, and actively nurture and develop new quality productive forces according to local conditions.

The team will conscientiously implement the relevant requirements of the NPC Standing Committee to strengthen oversight of economic work and budget execution in accordance with the law, integrate support with oversight, conduct in-depth research and study and provide opinions and suggestions, thereby better facilitating Guizhou's sustained and healthy economic and social development, he said.

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