Senior Chinese legislator attends 9th BRICS Parliamentary Forum

Xinhua Updated: 2023-10-07

JOHANNESBURG -- Peng Qinghua, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China, attended and delivered a keynote speech at the 9th BRICS Parliamentary Forum, which was held in Johannesburg, South Africa, from Wednesday to Thursday.

BRICS countries have become an important force in shaping the international landscape, Peng said.

"In the face of a century of changes, we hope that BRICS countries will actively support the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilization Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping to promote world peace and development," said Peng. He also urged the legislative bodies of the BRICS countries to implement the outcomes of the 15th BRICS Summit, take the historic expansion of the BRICS as an opportunity, strengthen the construction of the BRICS Parliamentary Forum mechanism and multi-channel exchanges and communication between the legislative bodies, and help new members integrate into BRICS parliamentary cooperation as soon as possible.

During the forum, Peng also met with senior parliamentary officials from South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, and Namibia.

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