Senior Chinese legislator visits Bahamas

Updated: 2023-07-13

Xiao Jie, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of China’s National People's Congress (NPC), led a delegation to the Commonwealth of the Bahamas from July 8 to 11, at the invitation of the Bahamian House of Assembly.

During the visit, Xiao met with Bahamian Governor-General Cornelius Smith, Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis, Senate President Julie Lashell Adderley, and Speaker of the House of Assembly Patricia Deveaux, and attended the 50th anniversary celebration of Bahamian independence.

Xiao, on behalf of the Chinese side, warmly congratulated the Bahamas on its 50th anniversary of independence and said that bilateral relations have steadily developed since the establishment of diplomatic relations 26 years ago.

China is willing to work together with the Bahamas to continuously enhance political mutual trust, deepen cooperation in various fields, and push bilateral relations to new heights, he said, noting that the NPC of China is willing to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the Bahamian legislative body, and play a positive role in promoting the development of bilateral relations.  

He also briefed the Bahamian side on the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese modernization, and China’s progress in advancing whole-process people's democracy.

The Bahamian side spoke highly of the friendly relations between the two countries and said that it believes China will continue to make new achievements in the new journey of Chinese modernization.

The Bahamian side reiterated its firm adherence to the one-China policy, thanked  China for the valuable support and assistance in the Bahamas economic and social development, and expressed its willingness to strengthen exchanges of legislation as well as experience in state governance with China and to expand cooperation in infrastructure and healthcare, in a bid to continuously promote the development of bilateral relations.

Xiao also held symposiums with representatives from Chinese enterprises in the Bahamas during the visit.

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