Legislative research on childcare services proposed to boost birth rate

Updated: 2023-02-27

The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council adopted a decision on improving birth policies in July 2021 to promote long-term and balanced demographic development. The decision stipulated that the country would allow all couples to have up to three children and will improve relevant supporting measures, including public-interest childcare services, to help ease the financial burden of raising a family.

The Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) advises competent government departments to carry out legislative research and add formulation of the law on childcare services to the legislative plan of the 14th NPC Standing Committee when the conditions are right.

At the fifth session of the 13th NPC in 2022, some lawmakers submitted motions on drafting laws concerning childcare services and on guarantee of such services.

The motions noted that the challenges in childrearing, the high cost of child birth and care, and the negative impacts brought by pregnancy and childcare upon women in their career development have resulted in low birth rate.

Therefore, they urged for greater efforts to draft a law to provide legal guarantees for affordability and accessibility of childcare services.

Working with relevant government departments, the National Health Commission (NHC) has drafted regulations on nursery services, in which the motions of NPC deputies were adopted.

In addition, the NHC said that it will strengthen cooperation with other departments to improve the regulation of childcare services, intensify the supervision over nursery institutions, and accelerate the building of community-based childcare facilities and other correlating safety infrastructure.

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