Revisions of Renewable Energy Law proposed to be included in legislative plans

Updated: 2023-02-06

The Environmental Protection and Resources Conservation Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) has proposed to include revisions of the Renewable Energy Law in the 14th NPC Standing Committee's legislative plans.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has made it clear the need to revise the Renewable Energy Law to achieve the nation’s carbon peak and neutrality goals in full and faithful implementation of the new development philosophy.

A motion on revising the law was submitted during the fifth session of the 13th NPC in 2022. Noting that the goals of achieving carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality have created new tasks and requirements for the rapid development of the renewable energy sector, the motion called for revisions of the law to tackle the insufficient supportive measures for electricity consumption and the imbalanced development among power grid construction, renewable energy development and land policies.

The country's renewable energy sector has entered a fast track of development and the comprehensive energy consumption capability has become a main factor detrimental to the realization of sustainable development. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the National Energy Administration noted that it is of great importance to revise the Renewable Energy Law, strengthen institutional building for renewable energy consumption, bolster the coordination and planning of power grid construction and optimize land policy for renewable energy toward the healthy development of the renewable energy sector and the improvement of energy mix.

The NPC Environmental Protection and Resources Conservation Committee has suggested central authorities under the State Council continue with preparatory work for the revisions of the law and to conduct research as well as deliberations on key issues.

In addition, the committee also advised relevant government departments to fully study and absorb the proposals on further implementing renewable energy development plans, supporting technological innovation in the industry, modifying power grid planning, promoting new energy infrastructure projects, and introducing supportive land policies.

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