NPC Standing Committee to review law on food security Updated: 2022-05-25

A draft law on ensuring food security will be submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) for first deliberation, according to its legislative plan for 2022.

During the fifth session of the 13th NPC this year, a motion submitted by lawmakers called for the legislation to support national food security from the legal perspective.

China's existing provisions on food security can be found in the agriculture law, national security law as well as some administrative regulations, such as those on grain circulation management and central grain reserves. Guangdong, Guizhou and Ningxia are among the provincial-level regions that have introduced local regulations in this regard.

The motion held that food security includes three aspects, supply and demand balance, price stability and quality and safety, and involves management in production, operation, reserves, regulation, emergency response and other stages.

In addition to clarifying the government's responsibilities, the motion called for establishing a grain risk fund system, strengthening supervision over companies engaged in grain reserves, establishing food relief programs to ensure basic supplies to the vulnerable, and encouraging private investment in grain production and logistics infrastructure.

The motion also suggested efforts to intensify supervision of deserted farmland, expand grain planting areas, and protect the basic farmland to safeguard production capacity.

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