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Ningxia to attract more talents

By Hu Dongmei|chinadaily.com.cn|Updated:April 19, 2022


Sun Xiaojun, first-level inspector of the Department of Human Resources and Social Security in the Ningxia Hui autonomous region. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

A press conference on regional talent policy was held on April 18 in the Ningxia Hui autonomous region.

According to Sun Xiaojun, first-level inspector of the Ningxia Department of Human Resources and Social Security, the special allowance from the Ningxia government has been raised from 18,000 yuan ($2,824) to 50,000 yuan.

The bonus for talents will be issued at one time and is exempt from personal income tax. The bonus for technical experts of the region has been lifted from 3,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan.

A one-time reward of three million yuan will be given to the units that cultivate academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, of which 20 percent will be used to reward the academicians themselves.

In addition, a monthly subsidy from 2,000 to 5,000 yuan will be given to newly-appointed full-time master's and doctorate degree graduates in key disciplines of key universities, and a settlement allowance from 200,000 to 260,000 yuan will be given to new full-time doctors.

Ningxia sponsors a group of talents in key fields to study abroad every year. Giving full play to the role of platforms such as the China-Arab States Expo, the region has strengthened talent exchanges and cooperation with countries and developed regions involved in the Belt and Road Initiative.

Ningxia will also expand inter-provincial talent exchange channels and the scale of young and middle-aged talents studying abroad.

Photo by Qiao Jiaxin and Feng Xiaoyun.