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Rime scenery in China's Ningxia is like Frozen

By Hu Dongmei in Ningxia|chinadaily.com.cn|Updated:January 11, 2022

Guyuan, located in Northwest China's Ningxia Hui autonomous region, has welcomed shimmering rime this winter. So what do you know about rime?

Rime scenery requires a long cold winter and abundant moisture in the air, which are exactly the conditions in Guyuan right now. Guyuan is located in the warm and semi-arid area of Loess Plateau, featuring long and cold winters. Besides, there are several water systems in Guyuan, such as Jinghe River and Qingshui River. Therefore, the shimmering rime in Guyuan is like Frozen, adorning the cold winter.

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