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CCEDZ holds art show in celebration of CPC centenary

en.nantong.gov.cn| June 28, 2021


A special art performance hosted by the Chongchuan Economic Development Zone was held at the Tonghe campus of Nantong Chongchuan School on June 27 in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. [Photo/WeChat account: ntjjkfq]


The show used singing, dancing, poetry recitation, Peking opera, and other art forms to look back on the glorious history of the CPC, vividly showcasing the struggles of the Chinese people against adversity and the creation of a better life under the leadership of the Party. [Photo/WeChat account: qidongfabu]


Souvenir medals are granted to those who have been Party members for at least 50 years. [Photo/WeChat account: ntjjkfq]