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CCEDZ swings into action with mass vaccinations

en.nantong.gov.cn| April 7, 2021


The Chongchuan Economic Development Zone is on the ball. It has made full preparations for mass vaccinations within its jurisdiction. [Photo/ntfabu.com]

The Chongchuan Economic Development Zone, or CCEDZ – located in the city of Nantong in East China's Jiangsu province – completed the vaccination of 854 residents on the first day of its mass vaccination program on April 3.

In response to the call for COVID-19 pandemic prevention and controls from the higher authorities, the zone has in recent days mobilized qualifying residents and proprietors within its jurisdiction to accept free vaccinations.

To provide for its permanent resident population of over 120,000, the zone has established a dual platform integrating online and on-site registrations. Individuals and enterprises in the zone are able to directly register online by scanning a QR code to access designated WeChat groups for follow-up notices.

With most workers on construction sites being non-locals with lower education levels who often lack smart phones, the zone has established registration points on construction sites and provided assistance in filing information on Yumiaotong – an app providing whole-process services for vaccinations.

In order to facilitate the registration of the elderly and people without smart phones, registration points have been set up at convenient locations including sentry boxes in the communities, to ensure that all eligible people register and have access to vaccinations.

In addition, fast channels have been opened for key groups in urgent need of vaccination – such as people working in cold chain transport.

The zone is also providing transfer services. To cope with the mass vaccination, the zone learnt from other areas and made its preparations in advance. This included compiling vaccination rosters, preparing direction signs and information stickers, as well as supplying car sickness plasters.

It also initiated a so-called "321" working method. The first numeral refers to three tasks required to be finished during vaccinations: filling in a vaccination health status inquiry form, an informed consent form and registration on the Yumiaotong app, so as to reduce the on-site waiting time. Each shuttle bus is manned by two volunteers, to illustrate the requirements and procedures for vaccination.

The "2" means that community workers are divided into two groups – a registration group and an observation service group – in order to maintain order, calm people when needed, respond to possible adverse reactions and advise on precautions after the vaccination.

Finally, the "1" means that a WeChat group is established after vaccinations to facilitate notifications and scheduling for the second injection.